Hippolution / Oil on canvas
Transformation / Oil on canvas
Transaction / Oil on canvas
"Hippolution" paintings series examine altered gravity theories as gravitational errors or as transformational shifted outcomes. Bone structures that grow in unexpected directions and into unusual shapes. Those bone structures become expressive sculptures on canvases playing with all kinds of forms.
"Hippolution" as the title plays with different social behaviours as a sub theme of the artist's science fiction based visuals.
Hippolution VII / Oil on canvas
Shift / Oil on canvas
Collaborative project "New Wave" was exhibited at VENT Space august 2021 with young Finnish sculpture artist Severi Rahikainen.
The idea of the exhibition reflects illusonary field of altered gravity and transformed forms that catch the vision of been created in the space. Study of natural structures versus artificial ones and how are they all connected. 
Combined with minimal sculptures (Severi Rahikainen FIN) and abstract oil paintings (Heleliis Hõim EST), the gallery space transforms into an imaginarium. Anything structured depends on gravity, the bones of humans, the nature or cosmos or anything else. But what if  gravity is not essential to create? What if you can play with the laws of physics and change them according to the artist's perception? "First Wave'' exhibition tests the boundaries of these questions and experiments with altering gravity, creating experimental illusions.
EST - "Esimene laine"
"First Wave" oli duo-näitus soome kunstnikuga Severi Rahikainen 2021. aastal Vent Space projektiruumis. Näitus mängis gravitatsioonitult kujunenud vormide kujutletava tulemiga.
Gravitatsioonist sõltumine on justkui midagi iseenesestmõistetavat. Kuid mis saab, kui gravitatsiooni seadustega mängida ja neid muuta vastavalt kunstniku tunnetusele? "First Wave” näituse idee katsetas antud küsimuse piirides, eksperimenteerides alternatiivsete võimalustega. Kui planeedil Maa oleks näiteks väiksem gravitatsioonijõud või oleksid elutingimused teiste parameetritega, muutuksid kõik mängureeglid, struktuurid ja bioloogilised konstruktsioonid.
Collaborative installation with Severi Rahikainen:
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