Lühifilm "Face off Face on" räägib inimese näo kaotusest ja tootest nimega “Teine nahk” ning selle kasutamisest tingitud probleemide ahelast.
Video keskendub ühele anonüümse indiviidi intervjuule, kes on kaotanud oma näo ning absurdes võtmes tarbimisühiskonnale alla vandunud.
Nanotehnoloogia abil on teadlased, kes on kosmeetika maailma palgal, töötanud välja hingava ja naturaalsena tunduva 'teise naha' (eng. 'second skin'), teadusliku nimega nanonahk.
Nanonahk on ülielastne ja lihtne peale kanda, eemaldada ning hooldada, naturaalse efektiga; üleminek naturaalsele nahale on inimese silmale peaaegu nähtamatu. Nanonahk on välja vahetanud vähemalt 50% näo kirurgilistest implantaatidest ning valitseb maailma ilutrendide esirinnas. Kosmeetikamaailmas on valitsenud pea veerand sajandit patentide sõda, kuid tänaseks on võimalik soetada endale nanonahk ka Aasia võltsingu turgudelt.
Lisaks on uuel nanonahal teisigi rakendusvõimalusi, nagu nahasiirdamised ning AI kehakatte materjalid jms. Kahjuks on supertrendil ka oma varjupool, kus paljud noored on tehisidentiteedi sõltuvuse tagajärgedel sattunud olukorda, kus nende endi nägu on kaotsi läinud või uute mudelite vastu välja vahetatud. Kosmeetika ja meditsiini suurkorporatsioonid on olukorda ära kasutanud, nanonaha tootjad on saanud enda valdusesse suure osa oma klientide originaalnägudest ja seega rahvastiku identiteetidest.

Face as an object is today like quicksand as the face of human individuality is a more troublesome concept now than it has ever been.
The face is a battleground - for science, technology, industry, commerce and art - and we better choose sides! As McLuhan warned us almost half-century ago: 'Once we have surrendered our sense and nervous systems to the private manipulation of those who would try to benefit from taking a lease on our eyes and ears and nerves, we don't really have any rights left, only fake promises.'
Nanotechnology based artificial skin creates new opportunities of beauty and identification. Nano-skin changes lives and creates new futures. Be ready to be amazed! Be ready for a greater you! Be as beautiful outside as you're inside!Only for you, only today!
Nanoskin technologies have become new trending billion dollar business all over the world. It all started with big investments in cosmetics and medicine private business sectors and has grown today enormously into every product we use, it's used even in our food and basic everyday products like bottled water.
Scientists have created artificial skin that looks exactly like your own. Skin that feels like one layer of makeup when you wear it, super light and natural to touch.
Nanoskin  masks, as called 'SECOND SKIN', breathes and works like your own and has replaced 50% of the surgical implants by now since it was launched after a big breakthrough. High valued market is growing fast and today everyone wants to have their own collection of 'Second skin's.  
With volumes in production and growing competition, the addiction to 'SECOND SKIN' is now a new taboo, a problem we don't talk about as the ugly business of beauty and cosmetics now have power over it's customer identities.

Face as an object is today like quicksand as the face of human individuality is a more troublesome concept now than it has ever been. 
The face is a battleground - for science, technology, industry, commerce and art - and we better choose sides! As McLuhan warned us almost half-century ago: 'Once we have surrendered our sense and nervous systems to the private manipulation of those who would try to benefit from taking a lease on our eyes and ears and nerves, we don't really have any rights left, only fake promises.'
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